Home /Advanced Value Stream Design for Manufacturing
Advanced Value Stream Design for Manufacturing
Introduction |
This three day class provides advanced knowledge on how to improve flow in more complex value streams, involving many products and shared resources. The class contains two parts: 1.5 day will be spent on learning the additional tools needed to design good future state maps in case of mixed model value streams that deal with a long list of part numbers and varying demand. The second part will cover how to improve flow through shared resources (processes used by multiple value streams). Two running cases will be used for creating a better understanding and teach participants the ‘how to’ in a practical way.
What can I do with this training?
You will be able to improve flow in more complex value streams, involving many products and shared resources.
Target Audience
Lean managers, engineers, operations managers.
Lean Basics or Lean Managers training. The basics of Value Stream Mapping (steps, icons, definitions, lean design guidelines for flow) must be known (reference: 'Learning to See' by Rother and Shook).
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Why follow a training with us?
Registration Form |
Language |
Dutch/English/French |
Pricing |
** All prices are in € and exclusive VAT (21%).
Our Instructor |
Dirk Van Goubergen |
Modules |
Day 1
- Creating Mixed Model Value Streams (part 1.1)
- Determining true product families.
- Creating flow in a mixed-model environment with dedicated process steps.
- Calculating takt time for a mix of products.
- Determine equipment based EPEI at the pacemaker.
Day 2
- Creating Mixed Model Value Streams (part 1.2)
- Creating standard work for a mix of products with varying cycle times
- Setting up first-in/first-out (FIFO) lanes
- Developing pitch and scheduling the pacemaker using Heijunka
- Creating flow through shared resources (part 2.1)
- Determining process families when looking at upstream processes
- Dedicating parts to shared resources
- Setting intervals (EPEI) for shared resources
Day 3
- Creating flow through shared resources (part 2.2)
- Calculating branch takt time and average weighted cycle time
- Using multiple FIFO lane systems to flow through shared resources
- Dealing with rework and multiple passes
- Creating flight schedules to handle batch processes
- Scheduling and sequencing upstream resources
- Managing the flow through shared resources
We will use an educational case study PG Inc. throughout the whole class so participants can already practice in applying the presented methodology.